Privacy Policy

What data do you collect & how do you use the data?

When you invite Mr. Translate to your server, we cache the guild object and store the guild ID in our database to facilitate storing settings. We may also cache and store your user ID or user objects when interacting with the bot.

We store this data solely for operation of the Mr. Translate service to prevent excessive API requests to the Discord API.

When you translate text or a message, the message content is cached in a tokenized format to deliver translations faster and to prevent excessive API requests to our translator providers. The text or message content will be sent to Google Translate, Microsoft Azure, or DeepL, so they can perform the actual translations.

When logging into our web dashboard, we also collect all guild objects for the servers you are a member of. This is so we can verify your ownership / status in the server, and provide a list of servers to manage.

Payments and Subscriptions

When you subscribe to premium, your Discord user ID, Discord username and discriminator, and email associated with your Discord account are sent to ChargeBee, our subscription platform, along with your IP address (to help prevent fraud). Your payment data is never seen by Mr. Translate and is handled by ChargeBee in accordance with their policies. Stripe is our primary payment gateway and is used for card, Apple Pay, and Google Pay payments. We use Braintree for PayPal payments and a few legacy card payments. If you provide Apple Pay or Google Pay payment methods they will be sent to Apple and Google respectively, and handled in accordance with their policies.


We use Google Analytics for general site tracking. Details such as your IP address and activity on the site may be sent to Google. We try to limit the data to anonymous data only, but can make no such guarantees.


We use cookies on the site to help with premium purposes.
Our Third Party providers (ChargeBee, First Promoter, Google Analytics) may also set cookies for purchasing, support, tracking promotions, and general website performance. If you wish to disable these cookies, feel free to disable cookies for the site, or use an ad blocker to block the services listed above.

Third Party Services

Data is shared in accordance with this policy with the following third parties:

How can I contact you regarding concerns with the Mr. Translate service?

We are happy to resolve any data processing of security concerns you may have. The best way to get in contact with us is by joining our Discord support server and opening a ticket in the #support channel.

How can I request my data or data removal?

Please join our Discord support server and open a ticket in the #support channel. Unfortunately, we are unable to help you with these queries via external channels, as we would not be able to reliably verify your identity. We will handle your request within 30 days of it being logged.

Last updated: July 1, 2022
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